Benjamin Mako Hill is a Debian hacker and author of the Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Bible and "The Official Ubuntu Book". He works in the Computing Culture group of the MIT Media Lab, and is on the boards of Software Freedom International (the organization that organizes Software Freedom Day) and the Ubuntu Foundation. Hill was on the board of Software in the Public Interest from March 2003 until July 2006, serving as the organisation's vice-president from August 2004.
此講介紹MIT媒體實驗室基之一項基於維基的新研究計劃,以容許部分內容有異的檔案或文本之間合作。此系統本於來自以軟體為本之「分散式版本控制系統」(distributed revision control systems)的概念與程式碼,但提供文本(text-based)與維基式(wiki-like)之 分枝與accounting介面、敏於歴史之合併(history sensitive merging),及衝突顯示與解決(conflict presentation and resolution)。此系統有重用於維基媒體計劃各分枝之合作(例如,原 Citizendium之提議)、維基內文章重大修改時各分枝之合作,及一般編輯或大規模離線工作所產生之衝突之解決。