Wikimania 2007 Program

Come to Wikimania to learn about:

Wikibiblio semantic webs Natural Language Processing social networking Wikipedia 3.0 Mediawiki API Reputation system geospatial mapping Free Manuals WikiCreole search engine Metavid wiki embeddable wiki engine future of wiki Malay Hindi Translation Community Hebrew Chinese Editing Behavior languages Open Content and Open Access Wikipedia and Taiwanese students Understanding Wikiversity Academic assignments Contributions/newbies offline wikipedia Meritocracy and vandalism mega-projects translators resource Virtual and national cultures Wikinews Dutch Education singapore's teacher Vision for Wikiversity Wikipedia and Taiwanese Students between Art and Science Open Collaboration within Corporations Singapore Disputes Collaboration in Branched Articles Collaborative Learning Authorship and Liquidity Freedom's Standard Wiki2Wiki Library WikiPakista, WikiIndia, HumanRights SFHOMELESS Distribute knowledge using cellphone War/Genocide wiki Free Culture Spaces wikiHow Wiki Licensing Open Access movement Compilation of Ethnographic Objects Taiwanese Encyclopedia of Life Free Culture Advocacy TaiwanBaseballWiki economics Libre Knowledge

Free Culture Space
  • The Free Culture Space at Wikimania 2007 will be a remix of multiple open culture essences. The Free Culture Space consists of 3 parts: the Wikimania Lounge, Posters and Exhibitions. There will be topics ranging from open source to open content, both practically and theoretically, in the form of recording tools for capturing audio and video (interviews and art and more), Demos of open platforms and projects, BOFs and lightning talks around related topics, hands-on training in using tools (writing code, making podcasts, developing for OLPCs etc..), a digital artworks exhibition. We would like to invite all participants and groups working on art, music, articles, textbooks, and programming to join, share, learn and enjoy
    • Submissions for lightning talks, particularly focussed on the Wikimedia projects, their challenges, current status and plans, are still welcomed, please put your ideas at lightning talks.
    • There will also be opportunity for informal birds of a feather discussions to be organized on site; sign-up sheets and materials will be provided. Please put your ideas at BOFs.
    • Please also schedule your bofs and lightning talks at Free Culture Space page.
Schedule and Calendar
  • The main conference will be August 3-5th, 2007
  • See Social Events for social events that will be occurring during the conference
  • Conference Schedule
  • Poster session is Friday at 5:00pm
  • Conference rooms: you may check the floor plan.

Program Committee

The program would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of the Program Committee volunteers, who have put in long hours writing program materials and soliciting and reviewing papers and presentations. Every submission to the conference has been reviewed and discussed multiple times. Questions should be addressed to

Program Committee members and coordinator
Program Team
Side Events
  • Hacking Days: Hacking Days will be held from 1-2 August. It will be a chance to meet the MediaWiki developers, hear technical presentations, and work on projects. Hacking Days is highly participatory and is geared towards active developers. For more information, please check Hacking Days.
  • Hacking Days Extra: HDE will be held at 2 August, this event is a BOF with some comfortable cafe, WiFi, cookies and beers, and open topics. This's open for all communities who're interested in technical issues to gather, chat and exchange experiences informally. Please sign up to the wiki page if you'd like to have fun with us!
  • Citizen Journalism Unconference: This event will be held at 2 August, the idea of unconderence is let participants manage your own agenda, we'll using Open Space technique to facilitate the discussion, the key spirit is bottom-up discussion rather than top-down, you're welcome to use *any technique* to let people get up and speak out what're in their mind. Please come and discuss about trends, practice and future of citizen journalism.